Wednesday, June 6, 2012

More on my style of time travel

And I got completely sidetracked. I was talking about jaunting through space and time and all that.
The question was, why can I travel through time and not blow up the universe with the paradox of meeting myself?
That one's easy, though some of you may have your minds blown.
It's because I'm not there. I can't meet myself because there's only one of me. I don't jump through time, I travel with it, as I said, so I can't just pop in somewhere. I have to either fast-forward there, or rewind to it.
Because of that, my own personal time line and the Universe's time line, in relation to each other, are all skewed and knotted up. My own time line is an unbroken string of 3 happened after 2, which happened after 1.
To the universe, though, depending on how I move, it might see me do 2, then 3, then 1.
Things happen in order, though not always in the order you expect.
So I can travel to Point A and Time 1, and then pop off to Point B at Time 2, and then come back to Point A at Time 1, and I won't meet myself, because in my personal time line, it's Point A at Time 3.
Confused? Ask someone smarter than you. I don't want to deal with ignorance.

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