Sunday, June 3, 2012

If wishes were horses...

I'm going to pause here before moving on to the events of the reception. That will be a shorter story (or should be, but I can gas on when the mood takes me), but it contains some information you'll need to know for the future.

Also, it may throw some stuff into perspective.

Martin is sick, so my time is limited tonight, plus, I've been seeing some Teliki poking around. They'll find out about Martin soon enough, and I'll have to move on. I've known this day was coming, but that doesn't make it any easier. I've still got a little bit of time though, enough to finish the story of Kari's funeral, and the reception immediately following.

After that, though, I'm not sure how much longer I'll be staying here. I'll have to find someplace else eventually. The Teliki... they don't like what I'm doing here, to put it mildly.

Anyway. The Officiant was there at Kari's funeral. Considering the way she died, that seemed kind of tactless, but we all have our funny little ways. His more than others, I think. In all the... for lack of a better word "conversations," I've had with him, I've never gotten one iota of insight into what he wants, why he's here or where he came from.

I know where I came from. I distinctly remember my first moment of cognizance, but in all my time traveling, in all the years I've traveled through the time-stream trying to find out where he comes from or where he goes, nothing has ever presented itself. It's a mystery, and I don't like mysteries. 

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