Monday, May 28, 2012

Part 1. The Laws, and a little bit about life.

There are three basic types of rules, as as I’m concerned. The first type are the rules that govern my existence. There are the ones that no one told me I operated under. I had to work these out as I went along. Sometimes, the lessons were painful, most of the time, they were benign. I tried something, it didn’t work. To be fair, it’s entirely possible I was doing if wrong, and it is possible, just not in the way I was attempting. I know this is true in at least one instance.
    Incidentally, the only reason this little essay is three sections and not four is because it’s only been the once that I learned something I thought was impossible actually was possible and I just wasn’t smart enough to figure out the possible thing was impossible because I wasn’t doing it right.
    Don’t try diagramming that sentence, you’ll only break your brain. Not that anyone knows how to diagram sentences anymore. That’s another thing I’ve noticed over my long life- the dumbing down of EVERYONE.
    Hold on. Stop. Let’s jump back to the original level, before I went off on this irrelevant tangent.
    The rules that govern my existence. They’re not really rules. I suppose that’s a bit  of a misnomer.
    In the real world- the Fleshy World as I derogatorily refer to it- there is physics. Laws of Motion and Thermodynamics and blah blah blah. They cannot be broken no matter how you try, because the universe simply doesn’t allow it.
    Break something down as far as you can but you will never encounter nothing. There is always something else there. Molecules to atoms to electrons and protons and neutrons (oh my!) and from there to quarks and from there?
    Well, I could tell you, but why bother? Humans will figure it out on their own someday, and eventually, they’ll get down to the sub-lyson level, and THEN THEY’LL SEE!
    That was a reference to a movie I saw once. I wonder if anyone caught it.
    By the way, really want to blow your mind? Think about this. Take a rock. Any kind. Destroy it. Smash it. Break it down to it’s smallest constituent bits, then go even smaller- down to the lyson level if you have to. You will not find the smallest shred of anything that can be quantified as “Life.”
    And that’s fair enough. I mean, it’s a rock, right? Rocks aren’t alive, so why would there be life associated with it?
    Take a human. Any kind. Take a living breathing human and examine the body. Break it down to the smallest constituent bits. Go down to the lyson level if you have to.
    Let me know if you find anything you can quantify as “Life.” I’ve never seen it, and I’ve been down there, man. I’ve gone all the way down.
    Some people would argue this is (circumstantial) proof that humans have souls, and thus there must be a God. But if that’s the case, how are animals- which in popular belief (even among the church folk) don’t have souls- alive?
    Chew on that, Fleshies.
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I’ve gone completely off topic again. Where was I?
    Laws versus rules. Right.
    The physics of the spirit world are pretty much the same as those of the fleshy world, but there’s a few other laws that can’t be broken.
    Rules can be broken, of course, and I’ll get to the rules, mostly self-imposed, later on, but let’s talk about laws first.
    These laws, by the way? Not in any particular order. As they come to me, I guess. Those of you who like things prioritized in a specific way, or with happy endings, should probably put this down now.

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