Saturday, May 26, 2012

On Time- for me and others

Time, for me, doesn’t matter the way it matters to others. Most people think time travels in one direction and there’s no going back, but that’s, strictly speaking, not true. Time sits still and everyone else travels along it. It’s like a moving walkway where your feet are bolted to the ground. You have to go where it takes you, because otherwise, you only hurt yourself and those around you. Maybe wreck the walkway, and no one wants that.
    I’m not bolted to that walkway. I suppose that’s the first thing to know about me. I can go wherever I want on it. I can walk backward at the same speed the walkway moves forward, and stay in one place, or I can go all the way back to the beginning, or I can go all the way to the end. I’ve been to both places. I know where it all comes from, and I know where it’s all going.
    I’ve also experienced a bit of it, participated in some. Not often, because The Laws prohibit too much of that sort of thing, but a little. Zak is a lot of fun to mess with. He never seems to get it, even though I’ve dropped all sorts of clues in his face. I feel a strange kinship with him.
    So, The Laws. The Laws are not explicitly stated anywhere. I had to figure them out as I went along, because there wasn’t anyone to teach me. When I, for lack of a better word, was born- when I Came Into Being- I had no idea what to do. I didn’t have a clue  who I was, and I  certainly didn’t know who the people around me were. I thought they were just sort of... you know, me. But later on. I spent a couple dozen decades waiting to Become, but I never did. It was one of those things that was finally beaten into me. It was a little painful, and that’s coming from someone who doesn’t have any glands. Emotions, hormones, all that crazy human stuff you all seem to suffer from- I shouldn’t be able to feel any of it. I mean, I don’t have any thing to create that. But I do. I feel pain, and I feel sadness. I feel love and loss. I’m as human as you, except not. I’m something else.
    So, I suppose I’m going to tell you about the rules, and in doing so, I imagine I’ll talk about my life (my unlife?) quite a bit. I’m allowed to do both of those things- the Officiant won’t interfere with me for that, but he does like to interfere with me on a regular basis.
    I guess you could say he’s my other half. I call him “He,” even though neither of us technically have a gender. I think of myself as male, but that’s only because of where I came into being. He’s taken on an affectation of wearing men’s clothing, so I think of him as a he. He’s the only one like me I’ve ever met, and I don’t see him often, which is good. He’s... well, you’ll see. He likes to mess with people, and not in the same way I do.
    Anyway. Enough of an introduction about me, I suppose. You’ll learn more about me, and the Officiant, and probably Zak and Kari along the way. I don’t know that these stories will be in any sort of order, or if this manuscript will make sense when I’m done. I’ve never had a good grasp on what passes for sense among humans. Not being tied down to time gives you a remarkable sense of place. I mean, something happens for seemingly no reason, you can go back and see why it happened, or what will come of it, and it works out, usually, for the best. I don’t know why that should be- whether it’s God, or fate, or kismet or karma or whatever. If any of those things exist, I’ve never met any of them. God is as hidden to me as He is to the humans, and to the Teliki.
    I’ll talk about them more at length later.
    For now though, I suppose I should get to the rules.
    Let’s get started.

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